So I decied to Take the plunge and start up a IG army...but with a twist I am tring to keep it under 250 dollars for a 2000 point army. Impossable you say with the Gw price increase at 25.00 a Box for 10 simple guards men what are we to do.....Enter Wargames Factory

In this box for 13.99 you get 18 troops with all the fixins
lets look inside

the first thing you notice is that the sprue are linked together so if you need to stop and come back to your work you can leave it on the table and it won't fall off the edge.
lets check the sprues

As you can see three bodies per sprue with a ton of options don't believe me lets look at heads

thats 6 heads for you good guys and....

For you Chaos loving cultist there are some good head to also in the corner you can make a baby Cthulhu Cultist!!!
so lets put one together

So this is my first one he is armed with a FNH Tac54 Assault Rifle (Las-gun). After a little bit I put a little elbow grease and whipped up a squad of them
so final verdict
Price 5/5
you can't beat it for it contents
Value 4.5/5
the Lack of bases means you need to spend a litle more to get some
Customizing 4/5
the bodes are one piece so with a bone saw all can do is add on different arms and heads
so Im Give it a 4.5 overall