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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

new toys 2

just finished painting up 2 of my Warmachine pieces
First is Commander Colman Stryker
And my first Warjack, Steelehand the Ironclad

got a new toy

So I go to my local Comic shop (named "the comic shop")and sitting in the corner is a large black suit case.....
this for 40 bucks.....not $195.40 as it retails I can almost fit my entire Armies in this!!!! So I bought It

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Giant Stormsmith Storm Tower

I was looking at Stormsmith Storm Tower and thought "what if this was bigger, like big enough to catch and store some lighting that you use to power a city block or a large castle/work shop" within the next week I'm going to try to make this'
Base is going to be a 48 oz Sunny D bottle inverted with the top cut off and glued to the bottom it's 1/2 inch small then a CD

haven't figure out the ball on top but probably  a foam ball covered in PVA glue

Any Ideas you have to make it would help

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Out with the old, in with the new

So after 4 years I have retired from Heroclix it was a great run, 17 tournament wins, 7 in a row during the Sercret Invasion block (still never got to go to world like OZ and Pudge) today I traded them in for........ WARMACHINE!!!!! I might get to play more then once a month( If I get my friends to play) at the local H.A.A.W.G.S.. So now there will be warmachine info battle reports, pics, questions and fun ! And if your wondering which faction...Cygnar now,Cygnar forever!!!!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Weekly game report Chaos Vs Orks

Let me start off buy saying this orks hate fire like Taz hates water! So when I ask a friend to try to make a list that would help against this, What came out was a Powerclaw attack out of hell! In 2 games We lost a total of 5 killpoints to 11 (only 1 of those was a troop choice),lets just say we won't be running this list anytime soon in friendly games but at tournaments Watch out!

Battle Wagons w/deff roller's are like torpedos. One wagon destoyed two rhinos,a landraider, took wound off a demon prince,and close combat arm off a defiler.

Nob are killy, lots of killy do not unser estamate them....they are killy

Mean while on the chaos front,
we found out that if just 3 berserkes hit a 12 man boyz squad,they alone will kill the squad just think of 8 of them hit the same squad "RRRRRRRRRRRRR" body parts flying. 

Next week here at "It's A Mek's World" we look into vehicle rules.

Thanx for reading