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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Im Wall in hahahaha! get it "wall" in you philistines

Here a small wall, that reminds me of the walls you see a rural areas of the country, its measures 8in by 1in tall, it was made from left over scraps of foam board and a piece of left over Masonite Photobucket
I Striped the ends of the outside of the foam board and with a pen scratch in the rocky details Photobucket
Here are some figures to show scale

Friday, November 12, 2010

table at work

So I finished my table for Warmachine and Hordes it was made for about 20 bucks.It has some more stone terrain now in the back corner




Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Doc's is in

So after finishing my entire Ork army I had 24 nobs..that left 4 that didn't fit in to my army  so I thought "Self why spend another 10 bucks on a pain boy when you can make one out of black reach nob". It was interesting making this guy as it was my first kitbash. It took all of 30 mins to round up the parts and bone saw his choppa arm. then 10 mins and done this is the result

his burner back pack
close up of his "urty syringe"
and his "Sewin' Machine"
Hint for Next project Land TRAIN!!!!!!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Get it on!!!!

Slight update for my small fans out there
Here is the (in)famous Rutger Shaw


He has joined those Menoth Zealots for now...... but the coins will dry dry up in the desert
And this is the lovely Lanyssa Ryssyll,  the Nyss Sorceress, she has taken asylum  in Cygnar 

And as the legion of Everbrite starts to take shape

Friday, October 1, 2010

And on Tuesday the forecast calls for Warmachine. Now back to you,Bob!

Well, apparently I am the Warmachine guy now at my local shop  and apparently I paint good.(personally I think mediocre at best) so I'm getting commissions
Update to the list more added 
Cyrx Battle group
Everblight Battle group (DONE)
Skarlock (DONE)
Adeptis Rahn (DONE)
Phoenix (DONE)
House Shyeel Battle Mages
Souless Escort
2x Mage Hunter Assassin
Rutger Shaw (DONE)
Lady Aiyana & Master Holt*
Protectorate Vassal Mechanik
Lanyssa Ryssyl* (DONE)
Reaper (DONE)
4x Trenchers*
so thats the list of what I'm finally up to....Man this is suppose to fun for all not just them
*=my models

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Might Vs Divine Right !!!! Master Craft vs The Burnnator!!!!

Ironclad Vs Crusader 
SUNDAY,SUNDAY, SUNDAY! AT THE IMMOREN COLOSSEUM!You have to pay for the whole seat' but you only need the EDGE!!!!!!!
If you didnt know I am trying to become a Press Ganger from PP so the requirements are
1.paint up two battle boxes worth of WARMACHINE (check)
2.send in a picture of the armies (check)

so here are my two armies
 and PoM

Friday, August 6, 2010

Madison Game Night

Quick video about Game Night. It was longer but the quality was terrible but here here is the video 

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Well, well, well I've been busy, I made a special base for my friends "Chapinator" it was easy and here is the step by step
1 sprue 10 pieces (you know that extra stuff you always wanted to use )
2. a GW base
3.Glue(super or plastic
4. paint
5. basing materials

First cut a piece of sprue to fit on the base point up (^) ,then cut the rest to fit now here is the trick, you need to match up the pieces so that look like this (V^V)  after you do this, you can file the edges down to fit in line with the base


then paint it, I chose to paint it like a rusty floor of a factory using boltgun and a wash of badab black

For the rusty effect near the rocks. The first color washed on is Devian Mud. I used this layer on spots unlikely to have much wear and rub, like in the crevices. The second wash is made of Blaze Orange and water , 4:1 in this example, but any light orange would do just fine. Again to areas not likely to be worn down too much or those that would gather a fair amount of moisture, I applied the wash heavily and after the initial pass was down, I went back and stippled more of the wash mixture in. 

Hope you find it cool

Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Gangs all Here.....

Well after a few weeks Ive got my army for Warmachine pained up it was a fun paint job. I love painting the "jack's" . My army is Cygnar w/Merc's. I tried to tie them all together buy giving all the trenchcoats in my army a Cygnar blue paint job, they wear them to stand out on the field of battle. 
I've got some pics for you enjoy!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

new toys 2

just finished painting up 2 of my Warmachine pieces
First is Commander Colman Stryker
And my first Warjack, Steelehand the Ironclad

got a new toy

So I go to my local Comic shop (named "the comic shop")and sitting in the corner is a large black suit case.....
this for 40 bucks.....not $195.40 as it retails I can almost fit my entire Armies in this!!!! So I bought It

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Giant Stormsmith Storm Tower

I was looking at Stormsmith Storm Tower and thought "what if this was bigger, like big enough to catch and store some lighting that you use to power a city block or a large castle/work shop" within the next week I'm going to try to make this'
Base is going to be a 48 oz Sunny D bottle inverted with the top cut off and glued to the bottom it's 1/2 inch small then a CD

haven't figure out the ball on top but probably  a foam ball covered in PVA glue

Any Ideas you have to make it would help

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Out with the old, in with the new

So after 4 years I have retired from Heroclix it was a great run, 17 tournament wins, 7 in a row during the Sercret Invasion block (still never got to go to world like OZ and Pudge) today I traded them in for........ WARMACHINE!!!!! I might get to play more then once a month( If I get my friends to play) at the local H.A.A.W.G.S.. So now there will be warmachine info battle reports, pics, questions and fun ! And if your wondering which faction...Cygnar now,Cygnar forever!!!!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Weekly game report Chaos Vs Orks

Let me start off buy saying this orks hate fire like Taz hates water! So when I ask a friend to try to make a list that would help against this, What came out was a Powerclaw attack out of hell! In 2 games We lost a total of 5 killpoints to 11 (only 1 of those was a troop choice),lets just say we won't be running this list anytime soon in friendly games but at tournaments Watch out!

Battle Wagons w/deff roller's are like torpedos. One wagon destoyed two rhinos,a landraider, took wound off a demon prince,and close combat arm off a defiler.

Nob are killy, lots of killy do not unser estamate them....they are killy

Mean while on the chaos front,
we found out that if just 3 berserkes hit a 12 man boyz squad,they alone will kill the squad just think of 8 of them hit the same squad "RRRRRRRRRRRRR" body parts flying. 

Next week here at "It's A Mek's World" we look into vehicle rules.

Thanx for reading

Monday, May 31, 2010

My Waaagh hand was not strong!!!

well its a interesting day when in two games you loose buy round 3, First game 4 way dance to win, king of the hill my  orks ran for the hill top in blaze of glory, the first to hold the hill in round 2, then 7 flamers and 3 havocs later my squads are runing off the table buy round 3 I got a parting shot with 3 of the 6 remaining orks left on table missing all shots ( orks vs marines) my total kills where 2 termies.
game 2 boarding action we used The Aphelion Project rules for the game using the space hulk board as the terrain. As a side note have you meet Mepheston "lord of death ". In 3 turns he single handedly killed all my squads of my orks in close combat while his forces held both of the objectives I put 3 wounds on the guy but he has 5....

bad for orks, bad day.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Haawgs meeting last night

Went to a Meeting last night,we got to see a good mix of armies last night with 2 chaos armies facing off Thousand Sons vs Nurgel ,An Tread head IG vs Elite Imperial Fist led by Cantor,And Wazdaka speed freek bikers vs A Nid Swarm  my Mek Twins (Zig and Zog) had no one to fight .......

Monday, May 24, 2010

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Just finished working on some nobs, after looking on GW and seeing imperial armory 8 ,and what's inside but death skulls. Saving up to buy it

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Sarge Incoming

Meet Sarge Talaxus, he a virgo. likes include punching orks in the face and making the Tau cry. Dislikes inculde: grey models ,non WYSIWYG and rolling 1-2 on armor saves

Sarge. Talaxus

Friday, May 7, 2010

My crashed Aqula

so I started this May the 4th, I looked it up on Forge World and got an Idea for the color
Aquila lander
The over all piece is huge in layout.
  For the colors  I used was Scorced Earth for the dirt then dry brushed the loose dirt with Snakebite leather, for the rocks a 1:1 mix of Chaos Black and Bleached Bone and Highlighted the rocks with a Skull White

For the body of the Aquila I used Blood Red as for the grey on the body used my 1:1 mix of Chaos Black and Bleached Bone, for the wig tips I painted them with Tin Bitz  then drybrushed with Boltgun Metal  (orkie way of making rust ) as for the cockpit and ball joint I baseed it Skull White then using a stippel(sp) brush i pounded on some Enchanted Blue then I washed the whole thing in Badab Black
Aquila lander
Aquila lander
Aquila lander
Aquila lander

Monday, May 3, 2010

So this is my newist toy I call it the "301st Hell's Delivery" its just a simple Baneblade with a dark paint job


hey out there from the Meks world. Ive started this a way to keep up with my projects and to keep up in the world of 40k. As a player I will look at rules that perplex my friends and me.As a Hobbyist I will look at new products and hidden gems of the Interwebs. and  some general blah about my life. So with out further ado "IT"S TIME TO GET STUCK IN BOYZ!!!"